Thursday 8 September 2011

TV Advert Production

Task One
Red Bull is the best selling energy drink brand in the world today and the logo can be seen and recognised easily due to not only the drink itself but the companies involvements with various sports including football, formula one and NASCAR. This sweet tasting, carbonated energy drink was launched across Europe in 1987, since then
Red Bull has become more and more popular and now selling around a massive 3 billion cans a year.

Red Bull aim their beverage at male teens through their huge amounts of advertising. Sponsoring football teams and being involved with a vast array of sports like skating and surfing gives them lots of attention and potential buyers through the fans of the sport. The Red Bull logo (above) can be seen almost anywhere in towns and cities and is very easily recognised.

"Red Bull gives you wings" is the slogan that the company has chosen for many of their advertising schemes. It can be seen on the majority of their television adverts and is very well known amongst the target audience of the drink. I believe that the Red Bull slogan "gives you wings" along with other product advertising is suggesting that drinking their beverage will give you the feeling that you can do things that were not possible before, it will give you more energy and make you feel more awake. something that a lot of male teenagers would take interest in.

Coca-Cola is a huge fizzy drink brand that is mainly known for its cola drinks, it's logo is known all over the world and is sold in over 200 countries. They have a very aggressive advertising style and similar to Red Bull has many links in sport. Coca-Cola's television advertisements are very popular online and they also have an annual Christmas themed advert. Below is a Coca-Cola advert from 2006. They have had many slogans in the past but this advert ends with "The coke side of life".

As well as their cola drinks Coca Cola have released many other drinks with their name such as Fanta, Dr Pepper and Monster. Monster is a carbonated energy drink which has many sponsor deals within skateboarding, BMX'ing and others.

Task 2

This animated advert shows Aladdin digging up, and rubbing a lamp which then produces a genie who grants him 3 wishes, he chooses to wish to be as wise as an eagle, as strong as a bear and to be able to fly like an eagle,  with that, the genie produces a can of RedBull and gives it to Aladdin exclaiming that is what he needs. Aladdin then grows wings and flies off the screen. The advert ends humorously with another female genie exiting the lamp (presumably his wife) and dragging the male Genie back in.

This advert is one shot throughout and the screen only changes once towards the end when the genie pulls out the can of RedBull, it is then when a slogan is shown reading "Red Bull vitalises body and mind".

The sound during the advert has been pre-recorded and inserted over the video as it is an animation. There is a lot of dialogue between the genie and Aladdin and the music only starts when the lamp is rubbed and the genie appears. The music sounds eastern and involves string instruments which adds to setting the scene. Other sounds that would have been added in are the gulping sound of the RedBull being drank and also the flapping of the wings at the end.
This advert targets its audience of male teenagers well by using a theme of which they will already know; Aladdin. The drink in this advert has been made out to be able to make you very wise, strong and also make you fly - I believe that this advert is trying to make you feel as if drinking RedBull will make you feel like you can do more things because you have the extra energy from the beverage.

I believe that this advert captures the audiences attention with its simple and unique style, using a completely white background to focus the attention on the characters. I believe that this advert is quite affective in targeting their appropriate audience as we aspire to be wise, and strong, two of the things that Aladdin wished for making me believe that Aladdin would be a teenager in this advertisement. Overall I believe that the advert is good, after seeing it being portrayed as you being able to fly after drinking it, teenagers will be interested to see how it makes them feel.

This Tango advert shows various different fruits falling and bouncing down a road, this advert is a spoof of the Sony Bravia advert showing a similar thing but using different colour balls instead of fruit.
The advert starts with a panning aerial shot of rooftops in Swansea there is then a couple of shots of general town sights such as terraced houses and a bicycle leaning up against a wall. Fruit then begins to fall from the sky and starts bouncing down the road. There are close ups of fruit bouncing where it has been slowed down for effect as well as various other shots showing fruit bouncing down stairs and knocking over the bicycle in one of the previous shots. The advert ends with a female shaking off fruit which she had been covered by whilst grasping a bottle of Tango showing words "Refreshment like no other" as well as the slogan "It's clear when you've been Tango'd".
The only sound that is heard throughout the advert is the non-diegetic music of Jose Gonzalez - Heartbeats.

This advert is a parody of a Sony Bravia advert which is very similar featuring the same camera shots just using balls instead. Tango have used the idea of Sony and recreated using fruit to fit the theme of their product. To the left is the Sony Bravia advert which tango have used to create their own.

The target audience for this advert would be fizzy drink consumers who watch a fair amount of TV to be able to understand the joke parodying Sony however if the viewer had not seen the Sony TV advert then it still remains impressive. I believe that viewers watching the advert will be enticed to buy the beverage when shown the fresh fruit that gives the flavour of the drink, I believe that the advert promotes the product well as the music is peaceful and goes well with the slowed down shots of the fruit allowing the whole advert to seem refreshing.
I think that viewers will have a mixed response to this advert perhaps thinking Tango are being lazy and not thinking of their own ideas however others will appreciate the humour behind the advert and enjoy it. I think that it is a good advert because it is related to the product and also shows the beverage to be fruity and refreshing.

Task 3
I created a questionnaire for my research, and asked members of my family to answer the questions and give me feedback on what they think would make a good advert.

Questions that were asked:

What do you think makes a good advert?
Is music important in an advert?
What's your favourite advert and why?
If an energy drink could give you any power what would it be?
What's your favourite flavour of fizzy drink?

Answers and feedback I received:
 from female, early 40's

What do you think makes a good advert?
- I think that cleverness in adverts is nice to see, things that make you go "wow" when it's finished
Is music important in an advert?
-I think that music is very important in adverts, there are songs which I find myself singing along to at work because I had heard it on an advert!
What's your favourite advert and why?
- I liked the Citroen advert where the car starts transforming and begins dancing, i thought it was very clever and think the music went well with the dancing - another reason why music is important!
If an energy drink could give you any power what would it be?
- The best energy drink would give you the perfect tan and also help with shredding the pounds!
What's your favourite flavour fizzy drink?
- I like tropical flavours like passion fruit

Answers and feedback I received:
 from male, early 20's

What do you think makes a good advert?
- Something funny is always a winner - If it makes me laugh it usually sticks in my head
Is music important in an advert?
- Definitely, If I know the song from an advert it makes me pay attention to it or if it features a particularly catchy song it will make me talk about it with friends etc
What's your favourite advert and why?
- I like the BT adverts because there is a story to follow or the Orange mobile adverts when you go to the cinema, some of those are hilarious
If an energy drink could give you any power what would it be?
- I would love for an energy drink to make me invisible
What's your favourite flavour fizzy drink?
-  Cherry is the best flavour for everything, or mango, mango is good too.

Answers and feedback I received:
 from male, 16

What do you think makes a good advert?
- animated adverts are usually quite good

Is music important in an advert?
- I think it depends on what it is, in the Dairy Milk advert with the Gorilla on the drums it is definitely important but sometimes no music can be better

What's your favourite advert and why?
- Anything with Peter Kay in it is usually a good advert, I like the one where they are doing kick ups with a football until Kay smashes it and ruins the game, AVE IT!

If an energy drink could give you any power what would it be?
- A drink to give me super strength!
What's your favourite flavour fizzy drink?
- There is so many good flavours to choose from, but i like vanilla coke they should definitely bring that back.

I have gathered some interesting information from performing these questionnaires and it will help me a lot when it comes to deciding what i will use in my advert or beverage. It seems that lots of people like different flavours and perhaps cannot decide upon just one, it would be great to implement a way of adding different flavours depending on how you drink the beverage.

Task 4

My pitch idea is a carbonated Mango and Passion fruit flavoured energy drink called "Wizz Energy" the idea of it is that it contains natural ingredients that make you feel more intelligent. The packaging of my bottle will be orange and black in colour and have my logo and product name largely placed on the front of the bottle.
My advert will begin with a teenage boy who has been given an assignment by his teacher, on his way home he stops by the store and as a last minute purchase sees a bottle of Wizz Energy that is being advertised. when he gets home he places the bottle on his desk and forgets about it, he begins his homework but struggles with writers block and cannot continue... He collapses in his computer chair as if defeated, when he notices the beverage he had bought earlier, the boy shrugs and begins gulping down the drink, clearly thirsty. The boy then seems very awake, his hair has changed and he looks generally "nerdy". Grabbing a pen, the teenager then gets on with his work speedily without a problem at all a scene will then be shown focussing on the bottle whilst the boy works in the background with the slogan reading "Wizz Energy, Release the inner nerd"

My target audience for this product will be a teenage boy, still in education who would enjoy doing every-day student things such as watching television, playing sport and computer games as well as fruit flavoured fizzy drinks, i believe that this person would benefit from the energy and brain boost that Wizz Energy gives.
I decided upon using mango and passion fruit as from what i have researched is not used by any energy drink brands but is still a popular flavour.

I will use various camera shots for my advert including close ups to show the expressions on the boys face such as when he is struggling with his homework, this gives the audience an idea of what the boy is feeling. Over the shoulder shots can be used for the scene when purchasing the beverage and a panning shot can be used to reveal the bottle at the end of the advert. I will use as much variety of camera shots as I can to make the advert more entertaining to watch and will also use a typical teenage boys bedroom, as a setting to make it more true to life and involving appropriate mise en scene.

The sound I will use for my advert is pre-recorded sounds to make it sound emphasised, also playing music when the boy has his headphones in but that stops when the scene changes to the shop. The same music as was playing restarts when the boy gulps down the Wizz Energy which then continues till the end.

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